animal activists kenya

Season Three

Where we raised and donated KES 300,000 for 6 species based wildlife conservation initiatives which work directly to combat the extinction on endangerment of certain species.


KES Donated




Action For Cheetahs

Action for Cheetahs in Kenya (ACK) is a conservation organization focused on promoting cheetah conservation through research, awareness, and community involvement. They employ staff from communities that share space with cheetahs and their habitat, and gather data through routine patrols and walking transects to track trends in wildlife and carnivore populations. ACK has conducted the first national cheetah survey in collaboration with other organizations to fill gaps in knowledge about cheetah status and identify strategies to address threats to cheetah survival in Kenya. They also work to mitigate conflicts with predators and livestock losses, and educate local communities on the importance of cheetahs and their habitat. Through their efforts, ACK aims to ensure a future for this iconic species in the wild by working together with other conservation organizations, government agencies, and local communities. Animal Activists Kenya donated a total of KES 50,000 for their community involvement programs.

Grevy’s Zebra Trust

The Grevy’s Zebra Trust is a non-profit organization dedicated to conserving and increasing the population of Grevy’s zebras in Kenya. The Trust operates in three regions across an area of more than 10,000 km2 and employs over 80 local employees. The organization works closely with communities in the region to design and implement conservation efforts to protect the Grevy’s zebra population. The Trust’s mission recognizes the importance of coexisting with people living in northern Kenya to ensure the survival of the species. The Trust’s key goals include increasing the Grevy’s zebra population, monitoring their population, and implementing conservation efforts such as habitat restoration, anti-poaching measures, and community education and engagement. The Trust’s community-driven approach ensures the most effective use of resources and the best possible outcomes for the Grevy’s zebra population. The Grevy’s Zebra Trust is making significant progress in protecting the species, and its commitment to data-driven decision-making, tailored solutions, and community engagement makes it a model for effective conservation efforts worldwide. Animal Activists Kenya donated a total of KES 50,000 for their community involvement programs.


Ewaso Lions

Ewaso lions highlights lion conservation efforts in Africa, where the lion population has sharply declined, occupying only 8% of their historical range. With a vision for a secure future for lions and other large carnivores, the organization focuses on community-led conservation in a dynamic cultural landscape. Their mission revolves around promoting coexistence between people and wildlife while conserving lions. Various programs are in place, including empowering Samburu women in “Mama Simba,” engaging local warriors in “Warrior Watch,” educating children through “Lion Kids Camp,” and address nsing infrastructure challenges. They also support students through the “Jeremy Lucas Education Fund” and work on healthier domestic dogs with the “Kura’s Pride” program. Their strategic plan aims to expand their conservation efforts to cover more areas and envision a future with managed grazing, reduced conflicts, and continued coexistence between humans and wildlife. Animal Activists Kenya donated a total of KES 50,000 for their community involvement programs.

Mount Kenya Trust

The Mount Kenya Trust is doing everything it can to conserve the unique and magical Mount Kenya. The Trust works with local communities to support patrols in the national park to stop poaching, replant trees, and provide health care and family planning services to the people living around the mountain. The future of Mount Kenya is in all of our hands. It needs our help and support to continue thriving. The mountain is not only a place of legends but also a place of contrasts of snow and ice, a dense forest, and a home for wildlife and people. But, the pressure on the mountain and its resources is increasing day by day. Donating to the Mount Kenya Trust will help to protect and conserve the mountain, honor its heritage, and share in its legend. Animal Activists Kenya donated a total of KES 50,000 to support their programs.

Birds Of Prey Trust

The Kenya Bird of Prey Trust aims to protect and restore raptor populations in Kenya through field monitoring, evidence-based management, community education, and capacity building. They work closely with partners to secure the viability of raptor populations in the wild and care for raptors in two raptor centers. As Kenya’s human population has grown, raptor habitats have reduced, and the team strives to understand raptor ecology better, actively manage raptors in their natural environment, restore populations through rescue and rehabilitation, and limit raptor persecution through education. Animal Activists Kenya donated a total of KES 50,000 to support their efforts in combatting Human-Wildife conflict.

Arabuko-Sokoke Forest

The Friends of Arabuko-Sokoke Forest is a conservation organization dedicated to safeguarding the Arabuko-Sokoke Forest, envisioning it as a thriving ecosystem where diverse life flourishes, benefiting both nature and local communities. The forest, renowned for its rich biodiversity and exceptionally high endemism, is home to endangered and rare species, including the Golden-rumped elephant shrew, Ader’s duiker, Sokoke bushy-tailed mongoose, and various globally threatened bird species like Clarke’s Weaver and Sokoke Scops Owl. The organization’s mission is to ensure professional forest management, secure funding, and establish good governance to protect the forest’s future. They engage in Participatory Forest Management (PFM) with surrounding communities, working on projects to enhance livelihoods while increasing awareness about conservation. Additionally, they address human-wildlife conflicts, erecting a solar-powered electric fence to protect crops from raiding elephants. Through eco-tourism and conservation-compatible ventures, they contribute to economic development and poverty alleviation, supporting the preservation of this unique and vital ecosystem. Animal Activists Kenya donated a total of KES 50,000 for their community involvement programs.